+598 2600 4626  ·   seguros@lucas-calcraft.com.uy


Y. Lucas-Calcraft SA

Our company has been involved in the insurance industry for more than 140 years starting activities as agent of the English insurance company "Queen" in 1876.

The insurance sector is constantly changing so we are permanently detecting new trends and risks to offer our clients adequate coverage.

We strive to bring the latest products to our customers in a way that simplifies and improves the management of their insurance program.

We understand that the client appreciates competitive products and receiving added value. So, we work hard in aligning our advice in this sense.

The ethics and professionalism of our management distinguish us in the market and are inalienable values on which we project ourselves into the future.


Our way of service

We make the difference:

Clarity C = Clearly identifying assets to be protected
Simplicity S = Coverage presented in a Simple, understandable way.
Only when C + S are fulfilled you have insurance, meanwhile you "think" that you have insurance.

We offer both general and life insurance

Our professionalism will save you time managing your insurance.
We will advise you on how to insure and establish an appropriate insurance program for you.
Our insurance programs range from your family assets to large companies.

Changing the way we insure for your benefit!

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